About Us

Our Story

Dade Family Counseling had it’s start in 1997 when the organization partnered with NOVA Southeastern University to provide Mental Health counseling internships to their graduate students. Additionalpartnerships were formed and received interns from St. Thomas University, Liberty University, and other universities.

Dade Family Counseling is a family operation in many ways. Several of our therapists have been with us for many years. Our clinical staff consists of Master Level and/or Licensed Therapists, Certified Addiction professionals, and Domestic Violence counselors with numerous years of experience.

Dade Family Counseling offers comprehensive, evidence-based treatment for adults struggling with addiction and substance abuse issues. Our programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, and we provide support throughout the entire recovery process.

Our Entire Treatment program is Bilingual!

With Hispanic Americans being one of the fastest growing segments of the United States population, it is imperative that we address any substance abuse and addiction treatment disparities currently experienced by these individuals.​

We provide a community-based
program for all

Of course, every ethnicity, race, and demographic has a percentage of people who are binge drinking or abusing drugs, but there are subsets of the American population that have been disproportionately affected by drug and alcohol abuse, and the lack of substance abuse and mental health treatment available. Although the opioid epidemic was initially most visible among non-Hispanic Whites, opioid use and overdose rates among other racial/ethnic groups (such as Blacks and Hispanics) have risen in recent years The unfortunate truth is that people from racial or ethnic minority groups are less likely to receive adequate mental health care, and when investigated, most evidence for why this is points the finger at barriers to medical access.

In addition, racial and ethnic minorities with addiction disorders, who constitute approximately 40 percent of the admissions in publicly funded substance abuse treatment programs, may be particularly at risk for poor outcomes. Based on national data, we found that blacks and Hispanics were 3.5–8.1 percentage points less likely than whites to complete treatment for alcohol and drugs. Dade Family Counseling has also found that:

Cultural differences, racial disparities, and language barriers break down communication and make treatment for difficult issues like mental illness or addiction confusing, scary, or frustrating. Even if translation services are provided, cultural insensitivities can lead to low satisfaction, high dropout rates, and negative health outcomes because they feel that providers do not understand their needs Cultural differences in ethnic minority populations cause people to seek alternative medicines, or to feel like they can handle the problem themselves Mental illness stigmas within cultures, with people believing that discussing mental illness is not appropriate and that seeking treatment may cause negative impacts on their work or social lives, with worries that people will think they are “crazy” At Dade Family Counseling, our goal is ensuring that care is culturally, racially and ethnically appropriate is a critical component of our program.

Our Aim

We aim to address the needs of the entire community, by providing assistance with issues caused by mental health and substance use disorders. As an organization we strive to treat each of our patients as individuals and provide culturally appropriate treatment for mental health issues and substance use disorders in an integrated holistic treatment plan. We provide psychiatric care, medical intervention, relapse prevention treatment, and programs for co-occurring disorders.